Monday, January 27, 2014

Birthday Requests

For those of you who enjoy purchasing gifts for events and celebrating people, I want to make it perfectly clear that I want nothing (read: AbSoLuTeLy NoThInG kthxbye) for my birthday. I've asked each of my friends if, for my birthday, I should be able to do what I wanted instead of what everyone else deemed appropriate for my birthday. Every single one of them agreed with the concept until I told them what I considered the ideal birthday, and then every single one of them told me no, I could not have the birthday I wanted. So thanks for that, friends.
For those of you curious folks, here is the birthday I wanted: a nice get-together with all of my dearest of friends where, instead of receiving gifts and getting treated to dinner or dessert or whatever, I treat each of my friends to such. I buy a nice group dinner and perhaps have cards or gifts for everyone as a thank-you for loving me and granting me the grace of kindness and love that got me here. It’s my celebration of life, and why should I not celebrate it by rejoicing in those pieces of my heart that keep me beating through life?
I already decided that I’m going to (craftily) follow through with a portion of this, but I doubt that I’ll be granted all of it. Birthday mischief.
So, first and foremost: I want to receive nothing for my birthday. Yes, you heard me – nothing. A group of people read this and think to themselves, that’s impossible. Everyone wants to receive something. These are the gift givers: C, Matthew, S?, A, errr… (are most of my best friends gift givers? What have I done to deserve this… and how are they still friends with me?)
If you are still considering buying me a gift, please don’t. Settle for a card, or a heartfelt letter. I can’t tell you how much I prefer your words, stories, time, lives, and smiles over your gifts. Whew, now no one is still considering gifts, right? (Please, pretty please?)

So what DO I want? I want to see as many of my dearest of friends as possible. The whole of February is birthday month, and I know you are busy. Me, too. So, text me and let's get coffee or tea, or let's play bananagrams, or we could grab dinner, or kick around a soccer ball, or go on a light, freezing hike, or we could go to powells - I don't even care, I want to see everyone. These are my birthday wishes (pleas).



  2. Lucky for you, i am a gifts person, but my gifts are mostly always words or crafty things. So you can. Semi-win. Love you dear friend. (:

  3. well, go with words. I like words.

  4. Or get Blizzards? I mean, it's not too cold for ice cream in February right? ;-)

  5. never. Also, we are long overdue for a ben skype.

  6. You can do whatever you want. Happy Birthday. :)
